Can a brown bird turn yellow? It can if it’s a male American Goldfinch! In spring, the male Goldfinch loses its old, brown feathers, a process called molting. They are replaced with fresh, yellow feathers.
In July the bright yellow male and olive-green female Goldfinch search for a site for their nest. Building the nest in 6 days, the female weaves materials so tightly the nest can hold water. She even repurposes spider silk to hold the nest in place.
Color your male American Goldfinch bright yellow.
Listen to their calls and learn more about them here!
State Birds of the U.S.
In 1935 the American Goldfinch became the state bird of New Jersey. The American Goldfinch is the state bird of Iowa and Washington state also.
Learn the state birds from other states and put your knowledge to the test!