Current Funders
Annual general operating support and annual grants restricted to capital improvements of the historic house and grounds.
Annual general operating support.
Annual general operating support, a project grant in 2022-2023 for the conservation of George Macculloch's Campeche Chair, a project grant in 2021-2022 for the conservation and framing of two Thomas Nast Caricaturamas, and a project grant in 2020-2021 for developing the Please Touch Tour.
General operating support in 2023-24.
Annual project support for Dig it! Plant it! Eat it!.
Annual holiday decoration support and project support for the Accessible Sensory Garden in 2021.
Recent Grants
In 2024, 2022, 2018, 2016, 2014, and 2012, Millea Bros.- Auction & Appraisals were the lead sponsors for Macculloch Hall Historical Museum's Historic District House Tour.
Support for Honeybees: Alive in the Hive in 2023.
General operating support in 2022.
General Operating Support from The New Jersey Council for the Humanities with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) through the American Rescue Plan in 2022.
Project support for High School Curriculum Development for Thomas Nast’s Reconstruction Era Caricaturamas in 2022-2023 and for the Accessible Audio Guide in 2021-2022.
Support for technology upgrades in 2022.
The Bring Your Own Device Tour was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, grant # MG-60-19-0038-19.
This three-year project (2020-2022) focused on developing a free, digital publication titled Sensory Tools for Interpreting Historic Sites that offers strategies for increasing visitor engagement through interpretation that is accessible for visitors with disabilities and achievable by historic sites of all sizes.
In 2020, The Rotary Club of Morristown underwrote the Museum's sign on Macculloch Avenue.
In 2019, The Scotts Miracle-Gro Foundation helped support Dig it! Plant it! Eat it!, MHHM's signature summer garden program for youth.
In 2017, Morristown Medical Center's Community Health Committee supported the development and implementation of Growing Good Health. This program engages preschool children in their classrooms with the history of MHHM's garden and how they can make healthy nutrition choices today.
In 2015, J&S Designer Flooring supported Antique Carpets Through the Eyes of W. Parson's Todd. This exhibition explored the fine carpet collection assembled by the Museum's founder.