On and Under the Christmas Tree: Waiting for Santa

Are you ready for Santa? Have you sent your Christmas list to the North Pole? MHHM is ready for Santa. Though children are no longer living in our historic house, if Santa does have time to stop by, we have four chimneys and four large Christmas trees inside. He would have to decide which chimney to use and which tree to leave the presents under. Once inside, Santa would probably be surprised to see so many pictures of himself hanging on the walls of the Museum. MHHM has the largest collection of art work by Thomas Nast (1840-1902), including many illustrations of Santa Claus. Don’t forget to send your letter to Santa this week—it’s not too late!

Listen to stories about Santa Claus here: https://www.facebook.com/maccullochhall/videos/2897827120438296/

A Harper's Weekly cover with a drawing of Santa Claus sitting at a desk smoking reading from a large stack of paper.

Age / Level: 1, Primary

On and Under the Christmas Tree: Waiting for Santa Photo Gallery

A drawing of Santa Claus holding his hat.